Thanksgiving FAQs

Hey guys!

With Thanksgiving being just around the corner, I've been getting a lot of questions about what I'm going to be doing for Thanksgiving this year. Because most of my readers are American, I'm sure most of y'all probably already know why I'd be getting questions about that. For those of you who don't know, Thanksgiving is a holiday on which families gather to overdose on turkey and a variety of seasonal side dishes, almost none of which are traditionally vegan. So it makes sense that people would be curious about what I'm doing this year and what I'm going to eat. So I'm here today to address the questions people have been asking me a lot lately.

1. If you were the one left completely in charge of hosting, what would you do?

I would serve all vegan food but if one of my guests wanted to bring something that's not vegan to share with the group, they'd be more than welcome to. I would not be offended at all. My family is not vegan so I wouldn't be surprised if that happened.

2. What are you going to eat as your main course?

If by "main course", you mean "instead of turkey", what I'm going to do is roast an acorn squash and make cornbread stuffing to put in it. But it's Thanksgiving. There are a million different things people are eating that day so the real question is whether there really is a main course involved or if the turkey (or turkey replacement) is just another side. The family will still be eating a turkey because that's what they do and I'm not going to take that away from them.

3. What else are you going to eat?

What we're going to do is make a variety of our side dishes veganized so I will have a multitude of options too. The cranberry sauce is accidentally vegan and we will also be making a vegan green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, cornbread, cornbread stuffing, gravy, and salad is also an essential. I feel very strongly about attempting to have raw food at every meal so I intend to make a salad as one of the sides too. I recently tried a new gluten free cornbread recipe that was easy to make vegan so I will be making several batches of that recipe so I have some for the stuffing and some to just serve as cornbread muffins.

4. What about desserts?

To all who asked me this question, I'm with you! Dessert on Thanksgiving is non negotiable and there must be both pumpkin AND apple pie. Not a two in one. Not one or the other. There has to be both and there will be both! Usually my family has store bought pies but obviously those would not be an option for me so I am going to use the healthy gluten free pop tart recipe I found on and use it as the pie crust. There are no directions, just ingredients, but I have tested that recipe by following what appears to be standard operating procedure based on other recipes and they turned out wonderfully. I just make them the night before and let them sit in the fridge overnight, then put in the filling and bake them first thing the morning of.

5. Wow you're gonna be busy!

I know this is not a question but I still hear this quite a bit. Yes, I will be busy in the kitchen this Thanksgiving but I'm up for the challenge. I love being in the kitchen so it's my time to shine! Besides, who ISN'T busy on Thanksgiving? Someone's gotta be doing all that cooking! It's more a matter of being put together to make it all work. I've already worked out what I'm going to be making and made a grocery list. I also know that there will be some items I need to make the night before and I'm willing to carve out time to make that happen so everything is ready on time and I'm able to enjoy the other things we do on Thanksgiving.

I hope this post helps shed some light on the topic of a vegan Thanksgiving. If you have a question that I did not answer in this post, feel free to ask me on Instagram or Pinterest or in the comments below. If any of you have ever had a vegan Thanksgiving, will be celebrating with a vegan on Thanksgiving, whatever your case may be, please feel free to share that with me as well.

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