Things I would like to see from Young Living in 2021

Hey all! There is so much I love about Young Living that makes me feel so blessed to be working with such a wonderful company, but there are a few things I would love to be able to get from Young Living that would be the cherry on top and be so convenient if I could just put those items on my ER instead of having to outsource (if they even exist). Among those include...

1. Vegan deodorant. Young Living's deodorants contain beeswax and therefore are not vegan. I would like to reap the benefits of an all natural deodorant but would also like for it to be vegan. This means I have to get it elsewhere to find a vegan one, which may not meet the same seed to seal standards the Young Living ones do (though it would still be infinitely better than mainstream ones that contain aluminum) and I wouldn't get ER points for it.

2. More choices of carrier oils. Young Living does have the V6 carrier oil, but more often I use a single carrier oil such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, or apricot seed oil. Those would also be great to be able to source from Young Living as those are items many Young Living members need but have to outsource.

3. Period products. Mainstream store bought pads and tampons are horrible for the planet because of the plastics and chemicals found in them (which companies are not required to disclose to consumers) even if they are unscented, which makes them also very bad for human health! When I run out of the ones I currently have, I would like to ditch and switch to eco friendlier options (which are also better for human health) such as unbleached organic tampons and reusable applicators, reusable cloth pads, etc., which Young Living does not have, but as a female dominated company, a lot of its members need period products and likely also share my interest in healthier and eco-conscious options. So it would make sense that our company which specializes in healthier products we use regularly would present us with some options we can put on our ER orders.

4. NingXia Red in powder form. NingXia is an important supplement from Young Living that even though I don't take it every single day, I like to have it on hand. When I resume air travel, travel days will be times when my NingXia is especially important because of the benefits it provides that travelling makes you really need, but there are restrictions on how much liquid you can carry on (and I like to avoid checking my bags if there's a way to do so). AlkaLime and KidScents Unwind are both available in a powder stick form that you use like a drink mix packet, and NingXia would be a great one to turn into a powder stick form too so I can just bring a box of that when I fly instead of having to fit packets into a quart sized ziploc bag with all my other liquids!

5. Eucalyptus Staigeriana essential oil. This oil is found in the Breathe Again blend that was a December freebie, and I really like that one. Young Living sells three types of eucalyptus essential oil individually but eucalyptus staigeriana is not one of them. I love the blend that it comes in, so I'd like the option to try it on its own. 

6.Valor and Peace And Calming as 15mL bottles. These both are only available to purchase as 5mL bottles and I really like them both and use them often. Occasionally they are available as a 15mL but only as freebies for minimum purchases. 

7. Savvy Minerals liquid eyeliner. The eyeliner they currently have is a powder form, which is not a convenient form for eyeliner or one I ever liked in my pre-YL days. Liquid eyeliner is the only form I actually like and use, so it would be nice to see that as an option with the Savvy Minerals line and know that I can trust it.

8. More flavor options of the Vitality Drops. They currently only have two options, both of which I really love, and Lord help me if I run out of them! It would be fun to get to try others such as a minty one, citrus fresh, cilantro lime, etc.

9. Make everything points redeemable for which the point value and the wholesale price are the same. For most products, the wholesale price and point value are one and the same and of those items, I can redeem ER points on many of them. However, there are a few exceptions in the Savvy Minerals and Bloom lines, and KidScents Unwind is also not points redeemable. It's less to keep track of if I can know that everything for which the wholesale price and point value are equal is also points redeemable, instead of having to remember a few exceptions. This information is one factor (though far from the only factor) that influences what I order in a quick order and what I put on my ER.

10. Supplements as promos. Young Living has an extensive line of supplements both just generally and for specific purposes, including vegan ones, and having them as monthly promos is a great way to try new ones (if they're vegan of course. If not I can give them to the next person who buys their starter kit from me in their welcome package) or restock ones I have and like, since they are a bit pricey (but worth it). 

As you have likely seen on my social media and will continue to see in upcoming posts, I love the Young Living products I have used and I love what the company stands for, and I am so excited to see what new products Young Living will launch this year, and I hope that some of what I mentioned above will be part of that.

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