Keto French Onion Dip; First Sunday in Lent- 40 Days of Meatless Recipes Day 4

Growing up, I loved French Onion dip on everything. My grandparents lived out in the country on a lake and always hosted the 4th of July party at which family and friends would gather, and that was where I was first introduced to it, as we always used to have chips while we waited for the food and the Frito Lay French Onion Dip was one of the choices for dips, but I thought the broader term "condiment" was a better fit. Quite funny, it was also at that same party (but I don't think it was the same year. I don't remember for sure) that I learned what "condiment" meant. My great aunt was one of the first people to arrive that year and she and my grandparents put me on duty taking people's orders so grandpa knew what to put on the grill, and after I did that, they asked me to set up the condiments, and I looked for opportunities to use that word all throughout the day because, like any kid, I loved to learn "big words" and felt grown up using them.

Anyway, like my creative brain always does, I attempted to recreate this recipe and was not trying to create a copycat version, but rather take it in another direction. The original version is inundated with dairy ingredients and wheat and it also has artificial yellow food coloring that clearly doesn't do it any favors because it's not yellow! And though "onion" is in the name, it's obvious there are no onions in it! I have nothing against any product being really good, with or without any particular ingredient in it, but when an ingredient is in the name of the product and it's not in there, it's self-explanatory why that's just messed up! I think I can spare you guys that rant. But I had to make some changes to yield both a product I'd be able to consume and would live up to its name. And I did it! And in four easy steps to share with you today. Though I was not acting with the intention of this recipe being keto, it just worked out that way.

This is the recipe I used, which I followed almost to a T except I DIY'd the sour cream and worcestershire sauce, so below the link are directions in my own words which include the directions for the DIY sour cream and worcestershire sauce.

1. I first caramelized the onions according to the directions in this recipe.
2. To make the vegan sour cream: I combined a block of soft tofu with a little bit of lemon juice, tamari, salt, and ACV in the blender
3. To substitute worcestershire sauce, add a splash of tamari with a little bit of lemon juice and hot sauce to the "sour cream". Add remaining seasonings except the fresh parsley
4. Fold in the onions, and garnish with chopped parsley.

What are some other common food items that (regardless of what fond memories you might have involving them) don't quite live up to their name?

"But you delight in sincerity of heart, and in secret you teach me wisdom" Psalm 51:6

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