As Seen On Instagram Pre-workout Snack;Thursday After Ash Wednesday 2020- 40 Days of Meatless Recipes Day 2

"That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither- whatever they do prospers." Psalm 1:3

A snippet from today's responsorial psalm both describes a person who puts their trust in the Lord and also reminded me of my Instagram post from January 28th, 2020, where I posted a picture of a three-ingredient fruit salad I had after work before heading to my yoga class that evening, paired with my go-to peanut butter cookies and cold pressed juice and coconut milk. The fruit salad was actually not a planned recipe! I was about to go out of town and was trying to clean out the perishable items so nothing would spoil in my absence, and among them were honeydew melon, blueberries, and a clementine, so I made them into a fruit salad.

Jesus compares himself to a vine in the Gospel according to John. He says "I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 And of trees, Jesus says "A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit" Matthew 7:17

It's a bit of a stretch to make this comparison but let me preface this comparison by saying that I am not making it with any intention of applying the Sacred Word in any way contrary to the intended purpose of the Lord. I am simply sharing what the scriptures made me think of. Today's responsorial psalm brought two things to mind for me. First, the fruit salad, and then the above verses that both mention the bearing of good fruit. This fruit salad contains fruits that are season in summer and in winter. For fruits from both seasons to still be good, they must have come from good trees and that's what made me think of the verses from the Gospels of John and Matthew.

Now, about pre-workout snacks, I can't say I've fallen into a routine because I don't work out on a schedule. My only scheduled workout is the Tuesday night yoga class my church does each week, but I know that I like to choose something with carbohydrates (not necessarily complex carbs. Fruit is great pre-workout), healthy fats, and a little bit of protein, as carbs and fats are a person's primary energy source when not in ketosis, which you need pre-workout. I got the carbs from this fruit salad and paired it with my go-to peanut butter cookies to get the fat and protein. I find I get the most out of my workouts when I'm saving the high protein foods for post-workout.

Just because I label a food as pre-workout or post-workout doesn't mean it's off limits when there's no workout involved. That just means I would use them when there is a workout involved but any food that's a good choice when a workout is in the cards is a good choice period!

What are some of y'all's favorite pre-workout snacks?

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