Things to do with apples

Fall is hust around the corner, meaning that in a matter of weeks, apples will be in season. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and the food is one of the reasons why. Thus, you can bet that knowing apples are in season makes me really happy.

Apples are an excellent thing to have in your kitchen because there's so much you can do with them. And I never regret any way I choose to use them. Here are some ways I like to use apples:

1. Just eat them whole. One of the things that makes apples such a convenient healthy snack is that they can be consumed without the need for any dishes or utensils.

2. Slice and dip them. Or don't dip them. But if you choose to dip them. You've got plenty of options. My favorites are nut butters and hummus for a protein and healthy fats boost.

3. Bake them. When cut into chunks and tossed with agave and cinnamon, then baked to perfection, apples are a heavenly dessert that will make your house smell like fall. This would also make an excellent filling for your Thanksgiving pie.

4. Put them in a salad. What produce does not go well in a salad? I know apples definitely DO. But I don't know what produce wouldn't.

5. Marinate your meat. I'm vegan so I would not be doing this but because my family is not vegan, every year for Thanksgiving, my dad puts apples, oranges, and onions in the turkey oven with the turkey and lets the turkey soak up the flavors of the produce. If any of you are not vegan, this might be something cool for you to try.

6. Sandwich base. For a gluten free mini sandwich, cut an apple in half, remove the core, and cut a little bit off the end of one half (so it won't collapse when you set it down) and use the apple in place of bread.

The possibilities of what you can do with apples are endless. I hope this post gives you some inspiration for simple but excellent things you can do with them and feel free to share more ideas of things to do with them in the comments.

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