How a vegan foodie treats herself
If there's anything most of us don't like doing on a Monday morning, it's having to run errands before they get to work for the day. And gettibg stuck in traffic. I had to run a couple errands this morning and I got stuck in traffic but there are a couple things that make it not so bad.
1. A sunny day. My dog wanted a morning walk she doesn't normally get. She didn't want out. She wanted a walk. There's nothing she loves more than when I walk her on a sunny day. So I decided that treating her to a brief morning walk wouldn't be spoiling her. And it's good for me too. I love bonding with my dog.
2. People's random acts of kindness. When you get stuck in traffic first thing in the morning, instead of focusing on the many rules of the road that people break because you know, road rage, try focusing on when someone does something good. What about that person tailgating you on the entrance ramp and you don't know if they're going to let you merge first (as they should if you're in front of them? I thought this person was going to try to illegally go around me but they didn't and I was pleasantly surprised. Or what about that person who lets you out of the parking lot when either of you could have gone first? I may not have been in such a rush (I did plan ahead and leave early enough that I wouldn't have to rush and hustle bustle) but you never know who is behind schedule and in a rush. Like everyone else, sometimes that's me and generally, we all have somewhere we need to be in the morning so when people let me go first, I like seeing that not everybody is thinking only about themselves. With that said, trying to do the same for others can make you feel good too as the one doing good. So try to let that person on who's trying to merge onto the highway. How much is one extra car going to set you back? It's a small thing but it feels good to do good, for all parties involved.
3. Treating yourself. I enjoy making a coffee run every now and then. I don't routinely drink coffee or tea in the morning but when I do, regardless of what time it is, I enjoy it. It's me treating myself, not trying to get though the day.
Today, I decided to treat myself at Wawa. It's like an upgraded Starbucks. You don't have to stand in line to order or wait in the drive thru. There's a touch screen and you order there. And just like Starbucks, they have some light snack and meal options. But unlike Starbucks, you can also fill the gas tank there.
I don't get food from there very often so I cannot vouch for how hard or easy it is to eat vegan at Wawa but the drinks ordered at the touch screen can be done vegan. They have smoothies but if you want coffee, they have almond milk and that's the only substitution you have to make. Personally, I love an iced macchiato. Any kind. They may not have the hazelnut one at Wawa that I like at Starbucks but a macchiato is a macchiato. Most places that serve coffee these days have at least almond milk if not other substitutes that they will gladly use free of charge. Okay, some places will charge you a small fee to use a different kind of milk but in my experience, that's usually not the case. I can't say much about their smoothies as I usually don't order smoothies when I'm just making a run there. If it's a sit down restaurant, I will but if it's a quick in and out, not usually. If I have time and access to a blender, I will make my own smoothies. I'm not saying that Wawa smoothies aren't vegan. I'm just saying I'm not experienced with them so I don't know.
Hope you are all making the best of this beautiful Monday