Easy vegan dessert: Oreos

How often do you want an easy dessert? Or a late night snack and you think that's a perfect excuse to have some junk food? Look no further than Oreos. As a vegan, many baked goods on the market are things I can't have. If I want cookies, I usually have to make them myself. I don't regularly get Oreos as I don't want to be tempted to indulge in them nonstop but when on occasion a friend gives me a few, I don't turn them down. I allow myself an occasional treat of them because they're vegan and I don't have to make them. As much as I enjoy cooking and being responsible for making my own food, I also like knowing that there are products out there that are easy to come by made with the convenience of people like me in mind. Health reasons may be my primary motivation for being vegan in the first place but I firmly believe an occasional treat is 100% okay. I draw the line at occasional treats that aren't vegan. I don't eat non vegan food at all but I'll occasionally allow myself vegan junk food. An Oreo or two never hurt anybody.

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