Almond Joy nice cream recipe

One day, when I was eleven years old, I was at my grandmother's bingo night. I really liked the coconut macaroons that one of my grandfather's coworkers had made a couple days prior and let me try, so my grandfather said I'd need to try a Mounds bar next time we go to bingo (they sell a lot of processed foods at the bingo hall). So I did, and then proceeded to have an Almond Joy bar. That Almond Joy bar turned into several Almond Joy and Mounds bars because I love coconut, chocolate, and almonds. However, they both have milk in them which means Iwill not be consuming the ones I ate at bingo but that doesn't mean I have to sacrifice the flavor by which my middle and high school years are characterized. With the help of coconut flakes, almond milk, and cacao powder, it's not hard to turn my frozen banana and almond milk ice cube base into the nice cream I wish I could have made all those years.

Any nice cream is fairly simply to make because it's not rocket science and what's the worst that could happen with the blender? The worst that could happen with the blender is the lid flies off and makes a huge mess. It's not much of a safety hazard, just a mess one. The ingredients for this one are easy too: there are only five of them.

1. 1 frozen banana
2. 4 almond milk ice cubes
3. 2 tbsp cacao powder
4. A handful of coconut flakes
5. Almond milk as needed to assist blending

Place frozen ingredients at the bottom so they'll blend faster and more evenly. A helpful tip is to sandwich the coconut flakes and cacao powder between the banana and ice cubes so they don't shoot up to the lid when you turn the blender on.
Add only the amount of almond milk you absolutely need to assist blending. Not more, not less. The secret to a good nice cream bowl is to use as little liquid as possible. If you want this to be a shake that you drink, then definitely add more almond milk.

*Vanilla plant protein powder also blends nicely into this recipe, and I like to use it as a booster and a natural sweetener but it is not necessary.

The QOTD is: what are your favorite foods from your childhood and if you don't eat them exactly as you did as a kid, what do you do to get your fix of them now?

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