Ten Accidentally Vegan Products

Today I'm going to show the world that snacking vegan doesn't have to be that difficult. My mom came to me with an interesting request: a friend of hers is considering going vegan and asked her to have me devise a list of vegan snacks. She's not necessarily looking for healthy options; just stuff she can buy at the store so she can snack vegan. Stuff that most people (at least in the US) would likely be familiar with. I'm sure some of these items will blow your mind. When I first went vegan, I was just as surprised about the things that ARE vegan as I was about the things that AREN'T. I have for the most part phased out these items in part because I have since stopped eating gluten (except to receive the Eucharist), but mostly because I'm eating healthier in general and have simply made a habit of not eating a lot of processed foods. So the items on this list will be things that most of my American viewers are probably familiar with. I know that in some countries some of these same items are not vegan so if you're from another country, please share in the comments what items are accidentally vegan in your country!

  1. Oreos! Yes, in the US, almost all Oreo cookies are vegan! I still have yet to come across OREO brand products that aren't vegan. I know that in the UK and in some other countries they're not vegan, but I remember my first Easter as a vegan, I got the Easter Oreos and I had a friend who always kept some on hand for me at her house. I will mention an important caveat that when I say Oreos are vegan, that means name brand Oreos, and as far as I know, the Trader Joe's version (called Joe Joe's) also are vegan. There are some gluten free sandwich cookies that are basically the same product and some are vegan but some are not. You have to read the label.
  2. Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos (the purple bag). The Blue and Red bags are not as they contain dairy. But the purple bags are one of few chips I've found that are NOT the unflavored ones that are vegan. Most flavor chips have dairy in them. These are the exception and not the norm.
  3. Skittles! No wonder they've always been one of my favorite candies!
  4. Sour patch kids. It's hit or miss with them, but some varieties contain gelatin. You just have to check the ingredients list.
  5. Maruchan Ramen. The only flavor packet that's vegan is the oriental flavor but the noodles alone are vegan for all of them. 
  6. Ritz crackers. Pair these crackers with whatever vegan items you pair crackers with!
  7. Nature Valley granola bars! It's also hit or miss with these. Some flavors are vegan and some are not. I know the peanut butter ones and at least some of the fruit and nut bars are, but the Oats and Honey ones aren't vegan and obviously the yogurt ones aren't either.
  8. Pop Tarts! All Pop Tarts that are unfrosted and are NOT one of the many flavors having something to do with chocolate are vegan. So the strawberry unfrosted ones are fair game but steer clear of the Smores, Hot Fudge Sundae, and chocolate chip ones.
  9. Most Pillsbury and Duncan Hines cake frostings are vegan too! So if your Pop Tarts need some frosting, the two go to brands for cake mixes (for those without diet restrictions) have got you covered! Just read labels first to be double certain but most use soy ingredients instead of dairy.
  10. McCormic Bacon Bits! Yes, that blew my mind too, but there is no real bacon in these! It's soy flour and canola oil instead.
I know this list probably surprised a lot of you, but I hope it's able to help someone considering making the transition to a plant-based lifestyle (or considering doing so) not feel so intimidated and like the change is more doable. Please feel free to add to this list in the comments and tell us about some other accidentally vegan items both in the US and around the world.

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