Why I've been inactive

Hey guys. I know this is not about food but I just wanted to get on here real quick and explain why I have not been active on here the past few months. I think the time has come to say that I am a full time student. I at this time would prefer not to share where I attend school but basically, the spring semester was crazy and pretty much anything that was not school related had to be put on the back burner. I've had friends and relatives ask me how do I do it all. I'm going to be very transparent with you right now and share some thoughts that I'm sure you all can relate to: I don't! Just like all of you, I'm only human. There's only so much I can do and as much as I strive to be honest and transparent with you guys, the truth is that social media is my highlight reel and you don't see everything or even most of what goes on in my day to day life. I can guarantee that for every person you think has their stuff together and "does it all", there is at least one area in their life that is suffering. For me, that has been running this blog and the associated social media because school was increasingly demanding and had to prevail. Now that school is less stressful, I'm still finding it hard to get back to running social media because it's been awhile. I know it'll only be harder the longer I put it off so I have every intention of getting back into it. In order to do that, I need your help.

I need some ideas for things to talk about now that I'm getting back on here. What would you guys like to see?

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