Thanksgiving Leftovers Casserole

Food is without a doubt the best part of Thanksgiving and it's fun to have leftovers to enjoy the next day. However, after several days of eating these leftovers as they are, it gets boring but you don't want to let them go to waste. In that case, you just need a way to bring new life to your leftovers. Yesterday, I brought some new life to my leftovers in this wonderful casserole recipe I'm about to share with you. It's also perfect because it requires minimal dishes and clean up and the oven does the work for you. So you can do the laundry, shop online, walk the dog, whatever you have to do while this is in the oven. That's how practical it is on a weekday between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This recipe is based both on the leftovers I had in the house as well as other ingredients but I hope it helps you to bring some new life to your leftovers and have some fun with them.

1.5c seasoned rice of choice (I used the Basmati/Wild rice mix from Trader Joe's that has dehydrated herbs and vegetables in it. I used it to stuff an acorn squash on Thanksgiving so I had a ton left over)
1c stuffing
1 can green beans (I was out of green bean casserole but still wanted green beans in this dish)
1 handful of spinach
1/2c gravy
1c almond milk

1. Mix all ingredients in a casserole dish and season to taste.

2. Bake for 40 minutes at 350°.

Time is based on using a ceramic dish. If you use a different kind of dish, it might take more or less time. Comment how long it takes if you don't use a ceramic dish.

I hope this helps!

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