Health foodie life hacks
It seems like we live in a world of inescapable life hacks. We think our old ways are totally fine until we learn a different way to do it. Then we think it's genius! You can be a genius in the kitchen too. With a few simple life hacks I'll be sharing with you today, you too will feel so food-smart. 1. Wheatgrass is the new matcha. Matcha green tea powder is glorified for having the benefits of green tea in concentrated form. However, it's also very high in caffeine which some people object to. Wheatgrass is caffeine free but has the same benefits of matcha, as well as a near identical taste. 2. Use chia seeds for a sugar free jam. Traditional jam has so many ingredients, most of which are not the healthiest. Chia seeds have gelling and setting powder, eliminating the need for sugar and pectin when cooked on a stovetop. The sugar is then replaced with protein and healthy fats. 3. Homemade peanut butter. When you DIY your peanut butter, it has a smoother consistency...