Memorial day vegan treat recipe idea

Memorial Day is tomorrow for my American viewers, which is most of my viewers if I am reading the stats right. On Memorial Day and the 4th of July, when it comes to food, I think red, white, and blue. Dessert is notorious for being the hardest part of any celebration. Food in general is a hard part of holiday planning but dessert is an even bigger deal. Luckily, with a few ingredients in the correct colors that go together and a little creativity, anyone can pull it off and impress their crowd with the perfect dessert.

All you have to do with this one is use vegan biscuits as your base and put a vegan cream cheese frosting on top of it, then top it with strawberries and blueberries and you've got yourself a quick and easy patriotic dessert! You could put the strawberries or blueberries over or in any white food and it's just as patriotic. Strawberries and blueberries are definitely some of my most important ingredients on Memorial Day and Independence Day, not that I would turn them down any other day.

What are your favorite Memorial Day foods? If you're not American, what is an important holiday in your country and what is one of your favorite foods for that holiday?

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