How I do my nice cream bowls

Let me preface this by saying that nice cream bowls are highly customizable. They are not rocket science and they can be whatever you want them to be. However, there is an art to them and generally, one's goal in making them is to have them replicate the consistency of ice cream but without the dairy. There are secrets to accomplishing just that and some are better known than others. Here are my tricks to doing it.

1. The base is the most important thing. Pretty much the only thing I do with bananas is freeze them and put them in nice cream and smoothies. To achieve an ice cream consistency, create a base of a couple bananas.

2. But your base should not be just bananas. I find the results to turn out even better if I add plant milk ice cubes. All you need is plant milk and an ice cube tray. I like to use a ratio of three plant milk ice cubes for each banana used.

3. If adding other fruit, it should be frozen. Fresh fruit does not work as well for this purpose so it should be limited.

4. If you are using superfood powders, put them in between the solid ingredients and the liquid ingredients, or between the bananas and the ice cubes. This keeps the powder from getting stuck at the bottom of the blender or shooting to the top. In other words, it blends better this way.

5. Do not ignore the contents of the blender not moving. If movement stops, stir the contents so they will move better. This prevents overheating.

6. If you want to make more of a sorbet bowl, replace the bananas and plant milk ice cubes with mango and coconut water ice cubes.

Hope these tips help you. Please share in the comments other tips you may know so we can all help each other.

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