
Showing posts from December, 2019

Symbolism in Jesus's birthday cake

Merry Christmas. No, not Merry belated Christmas. It's a season, not a day, so it's definitely not over yet. This post is definitely going to be one of my more heartfelt posts because it's not about a recipe or product, but more about the story behind my creation. One way I chose to keep Jesus at the center of the season was to make him a birthday cake after my family got done opening presents. I'd been thinking about my vision for this cake for awhile. Early in Advent, at around the time of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it hit me that I need to develop a recipe for an "Immaculate Heart of Mary" cake to use for feast days concerning Mary. Because each of the three persons of the Holy Trinity were involved in what Mary is known for (It was the will of the Father that his son Jesus would be conceived in her by the Holy Spirit ), I wanted there to be white somewhere in the cake (for purity, the absence of sin) and a colo...

Vegan Christmas Cookies 3 Ways- Also Keto-Friendly! (and a little bonus)

Happy Holidays All Ye Faithful Followers! It has been a hot minute since I posted a recipe! Very busy semester and not much inspiration for new content caused me to really hit a wall with this one, but luckily my prayers have been answered and I have some really good friends at church who, though they may not know and would likely be surprised to read this, have been instrumental in helping me to generate new content and giving me the motivation I need to get going with my social media again. These people are my rock! I went Christmas caroling yesterday as part of a church event and I knew in advance that they would be serving Christmas cookies and hot chocolate afterwards. Not wanting to be left out, I made some Christmas cookies for myself the day before so I could have some, and I made enough to share at Mass before and with fellow carolers afterwards, and they were a huge hit I just had to share them. A couple of my friends specifically asked me to post the recipe I used for the ...

A New Way to Avocado Toast

I'm sure most of you are acquainted with the concept of avocado toast but for those who aren't, it's fairly simple: you put avocado on toast. My mom loves avocado no strings attached. She's that person who will willingly eat it straight doing nothing to it. My dad trained himself to like it. And then there are people like me, who do not like it and cannot train themselves to like it (I've tried!). So if I'm going to use avocado, it's purely to provide the structure of the recipe and I will doctor it up a lot so I don't have to taste it. Just ask anyone who's ever tried my avocado pesto sauce. The base is avocado but you can't taste it at all. Despite my disdain for avocado, there are two ways to do avocado toast that I actually like, and that's saying a lot because how can a person who truly despises avocado like anything where it's supposed to be the star? Two ways: 1. Spread my avocado pesto sauce on toast 2. Mix guacamole of c...